As part part od the School´s Bamboo Project and
Unit III “Living Creatures Around Us”
Anyela Alejandra da Cruz Massarino,
Escuela 13, Salto.
María Celia Da Rosa.
*To describe animals and their habitats, to know the common words to describe pets and other animals, also learning the word order of adjectives in relation to the nouns they know, and for them to be able to say and write one or more adjectives that describe animals .
We found a very interesting story,Winter's Tail: How One Little Dolphin Learned To Swim Again, by Julianna, Isabella and Craig Hatkoff.
A book and a very nice film about a dolphin called Winter.
She was rescued and taken to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Clearwater, FL. At 3 months old, her tail was trapped in a crab trap for about 36 hours.
Shortly after being freed, her tail flukes fell off. Many people thought a dolphin this badly damaged would not survive. It took a lot of caring volunteers and money to help her, but this heroic dolphin did not give up! With her prosthetic tail she could swim just like other dolphins.
Warm Up, Strange Sounds.
Listen to these sounds and try to guess.
What animal is it?
Where does it live?
Can you guess?
_Look at the dolphin´s picture, read and match:__
THINGLINK: taken from the following magazine for Teachers:
(for Teachers)
-Dolphins come to the surface to breathe. They take in air through blowholes.
_ dolphin’s beak-like nose is very sensitive to touch.
_Dolphins use their flippers to steer as they travel underwater
_Back fins help dolphins stay steady as they swim. Each dolphin’s back fin is one of a kind— like a fingerprint!
_Dolphins’ smooth skin helps them glide through water
Educational Video for Kids
Warm up, ask students to guess what they are going to read and watch. Create a nice classroom atmosphere with dolphin´s sounds to help student´s guesses.
Assign a group of students to work with the video and another group to work with the text.
After watching the video and reading the text, start a class discussion about dolpins.and complete a flip chart with relevant information they could remember from the video / text.
Ask groups to share the information they could get from the video/ text.
For orientation, dolphins use a system called echolocation. The sounds the dolphins emit travels through water until it rebounds off an object found in its path, and sends it back to the dolphin. Now the dolphins can calculate how far away the object is, its size and also its shape.
Dolphins are carnivorous, their main source of food is based on crustaceans, fish, squid and octopus. Dolphins just like all mammals are viviparous and the gestation of a baby takes 12 months.
During the first month of a baby´s life, it feeds on the mother's milk and then the baby is taught how to hunt by other members of its family.
Dolphins are not scared of humans and when they encounter them, they are very friendly. They are really playful and curious animals. Dolphins tend to live in a group and are extremely intelligent. As they are together in a group they help each other by defending off sharks and orcas by butting them with their strong beak. But do you know what the dolphin´s biggest problem is? The humans.
It is because of humans hunting them and contaminating the waters which is causing many dolphins to die. Many dolphins have been trapped in fishermen's nets or suffocated with plastic bags and rubbish which has been thrown in the sea, but this is a problem happening not just for dolphins but for many other marine species, such as turtles and seals.
It is for this reason that it is just so important to look after our seas and oceans and that we should never, ever, ever, throw anything into the water.
If we maintain nature clean, dolphins as well as all other living creatures will be very happy.
Who is Winter?
Winter is a survivor. As a baby dolphin, she got tangled in a crab trap. Kind people found her just in time.
They took her to Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Florida.
They saved Winter’s life—but they could not save her tail. Without it, she had trouble swimming. Then scientists made a special artifi cial tail for Winter.
With practice, she learned to swim again. Now people come from all over the world to visit Winter in Florida. With every splash of her new tail, she amazes her fans!
A very interesting video to watch is
We liked to use Winter's story to discuss the idea of never giving up with our students. Winter's story is very inspirational for students of all ages because she never gives up. When Winter's tail was stuck in the trap, she could have died. After having her tail fall off, she could have given up. I think it is important for our young students to see that there are difficult times in life where we might want to give up, but we can't. We have to keep on trying and adapting just like Winter. We know that all of our students have had difficulty with something so far in their lives — whether it is family difficulties, learning to ride a bike, or learning their letters. In our classes, we love to let our students know that even when things are difficult, they need to keep trying, and to know that we believe in them!
Virtual field trip
It is a virtual field trip to Clearwater, Florida and the objective is to meet Winter! After viewing the video, use it to spark conversation in your classroom about overcoming obstacles and commitment to a cause.
Then we uploaded a video clip about dolphins with beautiful pictures.
Throughout the next few classes students were able to learrn facts and dolphin vocabulary through books and research on the computer.
Students will be writing about dolphins and about Winter and they could also draw Winter together and watch her swim with the live webcam at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium.
Winter's Tail is a really amazing story.
Describing animals at the aquarium, describing Winter's friend. trailer
The objective was
To make short description of characters using connectors
to compare and contrast animals
To compare living things and express similarities and differences.
To gather information related to animals and make complete descriptions of them.
Since it is Winter's birthday on October 10th, my students will create birthday cards to send to her. This will be a fun and purposful writing activity that the students will love! Here is the mailing address for your student cards.
Marine Aquarium
C/O Jeni Hatter
249 Windward
Clearwater Beach, FL 33767
Lastly, I would like to use Winter's story to discuss the idea of never giving up with my students. Winter's story is very inspirational for students of all ages because she never gives up. When Winter's tail was stuck in the trap, she could have died. After having her tail fall off, she could have given up. I think it is important for our young students to see that there are difficult times in life where we might want to give up, but we can't. We have to keep on trying and adapting just like Winter. I know that all of my students have had difficulty with something so far in their lives — whether it is family difficulties, learning to ride a bike, or learning their letters. In my class, I love to let them my students know that even when things are difficult, they need to keep trying, and to know that I believe in them!
How One Little Dolphin Learned to Swim Again.
Told by Isabella Hatkoff, Juliana Hatkoff, Craig Hatkoff, and Dr. Paula Kahumbu
Winter is a dolphin. Just over two years ago, when she was a baby, she was rescued from a crab trap, her tail seriously damaged. Winter was rushed to Clearwater Marine Aquarium, a marine animal hospital. It wasn't clear that she would survive. She did, but eventually the tail fell off and Winter compensated by swimming more like a fish than a dolphin which was seriously damaging her spine. But for the last year, Winter has been learning how to use a prosthetic tail. The idea came from a company that makes prosthetics for humans. It was very challenging but Winter is thriving and using her new tail with great command.
The word has gotten out about Winter. Visitors are traveling in droves to Clearwater to visit Winter who has become an inspiration to adults and children alike, especially to children who are amputees themselves. The tale doesn't end there. The special technology used for Winter's prosthetic tail is being used to develop prosthetics for Iraq war veterans who have especially sensitive injuries.
Winter's Tail: How One Little Dolphin Learned To Swim Again
When Winter, an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin, was three months old, she was rescued from a crab trap off the east coast of Florida, her tail seriously damaged. She was rushed to Clearwater Marine Aquarium, where she was cared for by a special team around the clock. Winter survived, though eventually her tail fell off, which made it difficult for her to swim like a normal dolphin and caused serious damage to her spine. Then something amazing happened. A team of experts from a renowned company that makes prosthetics for humans heard about Winter and decided to help. Now Winter is using a prosthetic tail with great command
Expositiory text, magazine
________________________________________________________________________________ Winter´s Tail Video Part 1
Anyela Alejandra da Cruz Massarino.
María Celia Da Rosa Cattáneo.
Save time
Use videos from YouTube, Khan Academy, Crash Course and more. If you'd rather record and upload your own video, go for it!
PLATAFORMA SENCILLA que en solo 3 pasos se le puede ir creando la actividad,de muy buena calidad, ej aplasta topos, une las corrrespondencias, juegos
Abre la caja, y luego todo pueden ser actividades imprimibles
Puedo cambiar la plantilla y ahí cambiar la actividades. La puedo compartir, incrustar , embeber, Ej si se trabaja en Google Classrooms
FLIPPITY,NET. simple quizz muy
importante ya que me permite generar artefactos digitales de
manera muy sencilla y rápida, cosa fundamental para que los
profesores se animen a utilizar las TIC. Además al emplearse
con las hojas de cálculo de Google nos permitirá realizar
muchos de ellos de manera colaborativa. Esta web dispone de
varios artefactos, los últimos que he utilizado permiten incluso
utilizar elementos de gamificación, juegos y seguimiento
mediante badges o indicadores de progreso
Está compuesta por 19 actividades
educativas, cada actividad cuenta con
diferentes juegos de plantillas de google en
línea, permitiendo de esta manera, una mejor
interacción en el aula de clases.
Hay tarjetas para ayudar al maestro a “crear
grupos aleatorios”, o “mezclar y combinar
actividades”. Permite mostrar en línea, los
resultados de los estudiantes que logran en
cada actividad, y se pueden rastrear aquellos
logros, utilizando el “Rastreador de insignias y
la Prueba de certificado”. Incluso existe una
actividad de “palabras de ortografía” que
pueden repasar cada palabra utilizada.
El árbol Bodhi fue la (Ficus
religiosa) debajo de la cual
Siddhartha Gautama se sentó
a meditar.
Crea diseños originales y presenta tus datos de manera interesanteLos datos y los números no tienen por qué ser aburridos. Con las herramientas de diseño de gráficos de Canva, no importa cuántos números tenga tu infografía, puedes crear un diseño atractivo.Con colores personalizables y diferentes estilos de gráficos, como gráficos de barra, gráficos de líneas y gráficos de pastel, olvídate de los típicos (y aburridos) gráficos que a nadie le interesan.
Diseña infografías genialesEn Canva, puedes encontrar la imagen perfecta para transmitir la información que necesitas añadir a tus diseños. Nuestra biblioteca de imágenes cuenta con más de 2 millones de fotos, iconos e ilustraciones; miles de esas imágenes son gratis, y las imágenes prémium solo cuestan 1 USD.
¿Tienes una imagen increíble que quieres utilizar? Súbela en cuestión de segundos y añádela a tu infografía.Diseñar en equipo es muy fácilCuando trabajas en equipo, es más fácil llegar a mejores ideas. Con Canva, puedes crear un equipo para diseñar juntos una infografía ¡en tiempo real! Puedes explorar las paletas de colores, añadir elementos gráficos y dejar comentarios y sugerencias, todo desde el editor de Canva. Para crear un equipo, añade las direcciones de correo electrónico de tus amigos, familiares y colegas y ¡comiencen a diseñar!
Infografías para lo que quieras
No importa si quieres utilizar la infografía para una presentación, como material de marketing o para un trabajo de la escuela; con Canva es muy fácil diseñarla. Nuestras plantillas son una forma muy práctica de diseñar de forma rápida y fácil, pero también puedes crear diseños desde cero con nuestras herramientas.¡Y también puedes diseñar en equipo! Nuestras herramientas de diseño de infografías están hechas para diseñar en equipo.
simple quizz muy importante ya que me permite generar
artefactos digitales de manera muy sencilla y rápida, cosa
fundamental para que los profesores se animen a utilizar las TIC.
Además al emplearse con las hojas de cálculo de Google nos
permitirá realizar muchos de ellos de manera colaborativa. Esta web
dispone de varios artefactos, los últimos que he utilizado permiten
incluso utilizar elementos de gamificación, juegos y seguimiento
mediante badges o indicadores de progreso
Está compuesta por 19 actividades educativas, cada
actividad cuenta con diferentes juegos de plantillas
de google en línea, permitiendo de esta manera, una
mejor interacción en el aula de clases.
Hay tarjetas para ayudar al maestro a “crear grupos
aleatorios”, o “mezclar y combinar actividades”.
Permite mostrar en línea, los resultados de los
estudiantes que logran en cada actividad, y se
pueden rastrear aquellos logros, utilizando el
“Rastreador de insignias y la Prueba de
certificado”. Incluso existe una actividad de
“palabras de ortografía” que pueden repasar cada
palabra utilizada.
El árbol Bodhi fue la (Ficus religiosa) debajo de la cual Siddhartha Gautama se sentó a meditar.
Crea diseños originales y presenta tus datos de manera interesanteLos datos y los números no tienen por qué ser aburridos. Con las herramientas de diseño de gráficos de Canva, no importa cuántos números tenga tu infografía, puedes crear un diseño atractivo.Con colores personalizables y diferentes estilos de gráficos, como gráficos de barra, gráficos de líneas y gráficos de pastel, olvídate de los típicos (y aburridos) gráficos que a nadie le interesan.
Diseña infografías genialesEn Canva, puedes encontrar la imagen perfecta para transmitir la información que necesitas añadir a tus diseños. Nuestra biblioteca de imágenes cuenta con más de 2 millones de fotos, iconos e ilustraciones; miles de esas imágenes son gratis, y las imágenes prémium solo cuestan 1 USD.
¿Tienes una imagen increíble que quieres utilizar? Súbela en cuestión de segundos y añádela a tu infografía.Diseñar en equipo es muy fácilCuando trabajas en equipo, es más fácil llegar a mejores ideas. Con Canva, puedes crear un equipo para diseñar juntos una infografía ¡en tiempo real! Puedes explorar las paletas de colores, añadir elementos gráficos y dejar comentarios y sugerencias, todo desde el editor de Canva. Para crear un equipo, añade las direcciones de correo electrónico de tus amigos, familiares y colegas y ¡comiencen a diseñar!
Infografías para lo que quieras
No importa si quieres utilizar la infografía para una presentación, como material de marketing o para un trabajo de la escuela; con Canva es muy fácil diseñarla. Nuestras plantillas son una forma muy práctica de diseñar de forma rápida y fácil, pero también puedes crear diseños desde cero con nuestras herramientas.¡Y también puedes diseñar en equipo! Nuestras herramientas de diseño de infografías están hechas para diseñar en equipo.
Mtra. Directora Emilia Jacqueline Silva.
Secretaria: Susana Silvestri.
Inicial 4 : Marta Fructos.
Inicial 5 : Natalia López,
Primer año: María Lila Sabaroni.
Segundo año: María Marcela de Paula.
Tercer año: Elizabeth Jericó.
Cuarto ano: Mónica Osés,
Quinto año: Ursulina Benítez.
Sexto año: Silvia Marquesqui.
Prof. Educación Física: Carlos Diez.
Prof. Música. Gabriela Selgas.
Aula 2.0
Microsoft Sway
Cree boletines, presentaciones y documentos visualmente llamativos en pocos minutos. On line. Funciona con la cuenta de hotmail u outlook.
Pueden hacerse presentaciones, websites, blogs, e-cards y álbumes de fotos. Se puede subir un PPT y adaptarlo a las templates del sitio.
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crear infografías, flyers y presentaciones.
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Aplicación online sencilla para crear tablones de anuncios o notas virtuales. Se puede insertar texto, audio, vídeo e imágenes. Permite el trabajo colaborativo. Puede descargarse en formato PDF.
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