15.- My Pet.
My Pet, Mi mascota.
Hago un dibujo en el cuaderno con tu mascota. Copio en el cuaderno:
1.- This is my pet.
2.- Her name is Xuxa.
3.- She is four years old.
4.- She is white.
5.- She has got soft fur.
6.- She is short and fat.
7. She has got small ears.
8.- She has got big brown eyes.
9.- She has got a small nose.
10.- She has got a big mouth.
11.- She has got a small body.
12. She has got 4 four short legs and small paws.
13.- She has got a long tail.
14.- She likes to eat meat and bones.
15. -She is cute
Mar 1 Jun, 2021 at 8:30 pm publicado
Hago un dibujo en el cuaderno con tu mascota. Copio en el cuaderno:
1.- This is my pet.
2.- Her name is Xuxa.
3.- She is four years old.
4.- She is white.
5.- She has got soft fur.
6.- She is short and fat.
7. She has got small ears.
8.- She has got big brown eyes.
9.- She has got a small nose.
10.- She has got a big mouth.
11.- She has got a small body.
12. She has got 4 four short legs and small paws.
13.- She has got a long tail.
14.- She likes to eat meat and bones.
15. -She is cute
Mar 1 Jun, 2021 at 8:30 pm publicado
14.- Book Day 1
Book Day
Haga clic para alternar las opciones.
Fairy Tañes 3
Fairy Tales 2
Fairy Tales 1
13.- My favourite pet, Mi mascota favorita.
Complete the sentences, completa las oraciones.
1.- My favourite pet is my__________
(dog, cat, bird, rabbit)
2.- His name is ______________(nombre)
3.- He is _________________and ______________. (colours)
4.- He has (long-big) __________ , _______. (eyes, ears, legs)
5. He likes to eat _________ and __________bones: huesos, meat;carne, seeds: semillas)
6.- He lives in his ___________.
7.- He likes to___________________(walk: caminar , run:correr, jump: saltar, play: jugar, swim: nadar)

Jue 20 May, 2021 at 11:03 am publicado
Complete the sentences, completa las oraciones.
1.- My favourite pet is my__________
(dog, cat, bird, rabbit)
2.- His name is ______________(nombre)
3.- He is _________________and ______________. (colours)
4.- He has (long-big) __________ , _______. (eyes, ears, legs)
5. He likes to eat _________ and __________bones: huesos, meat;carne, seeds: semillas)
6.- He lives in his ___________.
7.- He likes to___________________(walk: caminar , run:correr, jump: saltar, play: jugar, swim: nadar)
Jue 20 May, 2021 at 11:03 am publicado
12.- Wild animals WORDWALL
Mar 18 May, 2021 at 4:53 pm publicado
Mar 18 May, 2021 at 4:53 pm publicado
11 .- Leopard
1. It is a LEOPARD
2.- It is ......tall....( short - medium height – tall )
3. It is....big....... ( big - small )
4. It is....brown, orange and black....( white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue, light-blue, green, brown, black, gray)
5. It has got a ...big....( small – big ) head.
6. It has got ...big.....( small -big )........green......... ( white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue, light-blue, green, brown, black, gray ) eyes.
7. It has got a ....big....( big – small ) nose.
8. It has got a...big.... (big – small ) mouth.
9. It has got a ..big......( big – small ) body.
10. It can run, jump and swim but it can´t fly
1. It is a LEOPARD
2.- It is ......tall....( short - medium height – tall )
3. It is....big....... ( big - small )
4. It is....brown, orange and black....( white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue, light-blue, green, brown, black, gray)
5. It has got a ...big....( small – big ) head.
6. It has got ...big.....( small -big )........green......... ( white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue, light-blue, green, brown, black, gray ) eyes.
7. It has got a ....big....( big – small ) nose.
8. It has got a...big.... (big – small ) mouth.
9. It has got a ..big......( big – small ) body.
10. It can run, jump and swim but it can´t fly
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________-9 .- Happy Mother´s Day!
8 Describing animals LION
Queridos alumnos: aquí tienen el ejemplo de una descripción del león, tienen distintas opciones, que es lo que está en paréntesis. Solo copia la descripción en tu cuaderno y la practicas leyendo en voz alta. Muchas gracias!
1. It is a lion
2.- It is ......tall....( short - medium height – tall )
3. It is....big....... ( big - small )
4. It is....brown....( white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue, light-blue, green, brown, black, gray)
5. It has got a ...big....( small – big ) head.
6. It has got ...big.....( small -big )........green......... ( white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue, light-blue, green, brown, black, gray ) eyes.
7. It has got a ....big....( big – small ) nose.
8. It has got a...big.... (big – small ) mouth.
9. It has got a ..big......( big – small ) body.
Mar 27 Abr, 2021 at 4:56 pm publicado
Queridos alumnos: aquí tienen el ejemplo de una descripción del león, tienen distintas opciones, que es lo que está en paréntesis. Solo copia la descripción en tu cuaderno y la practicas leyendo en voz alta. Muchas gracias!
1. It is a lion
2.- It is ......tall....( short - medium height – tall )
3. It is....big....... ( big - small )
4. It is....brown....( white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue, light-blue, green, brown, black, gray)
5. It has got a ...big....( small – big ) head.
6. It has got ...big.....( small -big )........green......... ( white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue, light-blue, green, brown, black, gray ) eyes.
7. It has got a ....big....( big – small ) nose.
8. It has got a...big.... (big – small ) mouth.
9. It has got a ..big......( big – small ) body.
Mar 27 Abr, 2021 at 4:56 pm publicado
7. Inglés, describing animals, elephant.
*Describo el elefante. En el cuaderno o una hojita que tienes que ir guardando, Cuando termines la tarea, le sacas una foto y la subes a Crea por favor.
*Copio el siguiente texto:
It is an elephant.
It is big.
It is grey.
It has got a big head.
It has got big ears.
It has got big eyes.
It has got a long trunk.
It has got a big mouth.
It has got a heavy body.
It has got 4 four strong legs.
It has got a long tail.
It can walk.
It can run.
It can´t fly.

*Hacer el dibujito del elefante, sacar flechitas y escribir los nombres de las partes del cuerpo. por favor, junto a la descripción del elefante, gracias!

Lun 19 Abr, 2021 at 10:15 am publicado
*Describo el elefante. En el cuaderno o una hojita que tienes que ir guardando, Cuando termines la tarea, le sacas una foto y la subes a Crea por favor.
*Copio el siguiente texto:
It is an elephant.
It is big.
It is grey.
It has got a big head.
It has got big ears.
It has got big eyes.
It has got a long trunk.
It has got a big mouth.
It has got a heavy body.
It has got 4 four strong legs.
It has got a long tail.
It can walk.
It can run.
It can´t fly.
*Hacer el dibujito del elefante, sacar flechitas y escribir los nombres de las partes del cuerpo. por favor, junto a la descripción del elefante, gracias!
Lun 19 Abr, 2021 at 10:15 am publicado
6 Colours
Miro el video y practico los colores.
Miro el video y practico los colores.

Jue 15 Abr, 2021 at 7:47 am publicado
Jue 15 Abr, 2021 at 7:47 am publicado
5. Inglés. Describing animals.
Escucho el video y practico los nobres de los animales.
Copio en el cuaderno los nombres dde los animales
y hago los dibujos.
Muchas gracias!
Describing animals 1 .....clickeo aquí.
Copio los nombres de los animales en el cuaderno.
Miro, escucho y practico los nombres de los animales con el siguiente video:
Mie 14 Abr, 2021 at 9:28 pm publicado
4--Everyday Activities 10th, April.
Dom 11 Abr, 2021 at 8:53 am publicado