Kaschei the Immortal.
The beautiful Tsarevna is held captive and spellbound in the magic kingdom of the monster Kashchei, where she hourly awaits deliverance at the hands of Ivan Korolevich, her lover.
The latter, seeking Kashchei's ``death'' (which according to tradition is an object that, once found, will end the ogre's existence), is waylaid by Kascheievna, Kashchei's daughter.
She prevails upon him to drink a potion, promising him that by this means he will find the sought-for ``death.''
His enslaver is about to kill him when the benevolent Burya Bogatyr awakens the hero, and transports him on a magic carpet to Kashchei's kingdom.
Kashcheievna makes a further effort to secure Ivan for herself, promising him the release of his betrothed; and when the latter gives expression to a feeling of pity for her, she weeps.
It is in the tears of his daughter that Kashchei's ``death'' is hidden, and at their flow his kingdom crumbles and the monster dies.
The lovers regain their freedom, and Kashcheievna is transformed into a weeping willow.
Your Trip to the Theatre
When you go to see “The Firebird” at mac (Midlands Arts Centre) you will be going to the theatre. Here is a list of some words to do with the theatre. You might like to learn them before you go. You could also look them up in your dictionary to see if you have different ‘definitions’.
Theatre: A place where we can watch shows, or plays. The first ever theatres were outside in Ancient Greece. Nowadays they are usually big building, although mac does have an outside theatre called ‘The Arena Theatre’. Inside a theatre there is a big room called an auditorium. This room has a stage in it and seats for the audience. mac is an Arts Centre and you can also go there to look at artwork (photographs, drawings, paintings, sculptures), or go to the cinema or even join classes.
Play: A story told by actors. The actors pretend to be characters and tell the story by acting it out (showing it to you). That way you see the story happen right in from of you.
Actors: If you are an actor, it is your job to act in plays. You pretend to be different people so that you can tell the story. The people that an actor plays are called characters. Actors work in theatres, on television, on the radio and in films, (or school plays!). Some actors come into schools to do plays and work with children and teachers.
Costume: The actors wear clothes that make them look like the people they are pretending to be. These clothes are called costume. Sometimes they will also make-up or masks or even use puppets.
Set: To help tell the story, there might be scenery on the stage; this is called the set. For example, a giant picture of a castle at the back of the stage might help us to know that the characters in the story are at a castle. All things on stage are known as the set.
Lighting: Inside the auditorium there are special lights that are pointed at the stage. When the play is on the lights will get brighter or darker and may change colours. This helps ‘set the scene’. For example, when Prince Ivan first goes in to the woods and meets the wolf, the lights may be dim and green or blue (cold colours). There are also lights called ‘House Lights’ – these are the lights that are only on when the play or show isn’t showing. These lights help people get to their seats. Just before the play or show starts, the house lights are turned off. Some people find it quit scary at first, but it isn’t anything to be scared of.
Sound: There are also usually speakers on the stage. These can have noises known as sound effects and music played through them.
Backstage: The actors wait to come onto the stage in a place called the wings (not like the wings on a plane or a fly!) The wings are backstage and the audience will not be able to see the actors until they come onto stage. The actors come into the wings when the play starts so they are ready to come on stage. They come from their dressing rooms, which is where they change into their costumes from their ordinary clothes and put on their make-up.
Director: Before the audience sees the play, the actors work for a long time in rehearsals. They do this with somebody called a Director. Together, they decide how they are going to tell the story. Your teacher is a Director when you are getting ready for class school assemblies. The Director watches the actors practice the play and has ideas about how to make it interesting.
Stage Manager: The Stage Manager helps all people involved with putting on the play or show and makes sure that everything runs smoothly. In the rehearsals the Stage Manager helps the Director by getting all the objects that the actors will need in the play. These objects are known as props. When the play is happening, the stage manager helps to control the lights and the sound. The Stage Manager also helps to make sure that everything is in the right place at the right time – including the actors!
Technicians: The Lights and Sound are operated by the Stage Manager or Technicians. You will probably never see these people, but without them, the theatre would not be the same.
If you have any questions about going to the theatre, ask your teacher.
The Firebird Story
The Firebird is a charming fairy tale about the adventures of young prince Ivan and his search for the most beautiful bird in the world: the firebird.
Prince Ivan and his sister Katooshka lived with their father, the tsar in, castle in Russia. Of the two children, the tsar preferred the daughter as she seemed to be more hard working than the son, but really it was the other way around, only Katooshka was very sneaky. The children had to care for the tsar’s greatest treasure, a tree with apples made out of gold. But one day it was discovered that a golden apple was missing from the tree. A magnificent bird stole a golden apple from the tree. The next night another one was stolen. The next night the tsar told Ivan and Katooshka to stay awake in the garden and find out who was stealing the golden apples.
Katooshka didn’t even try and stay awake, she just left it up to Ivan to do everything again. After a while Ivan saw the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. It was the firebird. He ran after the firebird, but got there just too late, although he did catch the firebird’s tail, and one of the beautiful feathers came out.
In the morning, Katooshka shouted at Ivan for letting the robber get away. When the tsar came to speak to them, she also said that Ivan has been so lazy and hadn’t done anything, so it was his fault that the firebird had got away! The tsar was very angry but he was amazed at the beauty of the feather. He sent his son away to catch the firebird. He was not to return until he had caught the splendid bird. A long journey began.
First Ivan reached a creepy forest where he had to decide whether to go forward and be eaten by a wolf or go back and be a failure. Ivan was determined to find the firebird and prove to his father that he wasn’t useless. So he entered the forest and there he encountered a toothless wolf. But how could a wolf be dangerous if he did not have any teeth. A pedlar had given Ivan a wolf’s tooth in his father’s city. The tooth was useful for polishing the golden apples to make them extra clean and shiny. Ivan took pity in the wolf and gave him the tooth. The wolf was very grateful and decided to accompany Ivan to the castle of Koschei the Deathless. (This was where they knew the firebird was imprisoned)
But the evil wizard, Koschei the Deathless had another prisoner: Princess Vasilisa, princess of incomparable beauty. The wolf knew some facts about the princess and he issued Ivan with this warning.
“ Do not look at her! She has been bewitched by Koschei the Deathless. He has turned her heart into wood, and hidden it so she could have no feelings. You will fall hopelessly in love with her, and she will never be able to return the feelings.”
The wolf was not the bravest of animals; he left Ivan to go into the castle on his own. Without the wolf there to remind him, Ivan forgot all the warnings and fell deeply in love with Vasilisa.
Now the prince had to master to difficult tasks: he had to rescue the firebird and his princess. Before they had the chance to take the princess away, Koschei the Deathless appeared. He said that Baba Yaga, a terrible witch had stolen the firebird. Koschei the Deathless told Ivan that if he got the firebird back from Baba Yaga, he would give Ivan the opportunity to choose between the princess and the firebird. The wizard told Ivan how to find Baba Yaga, and that the firebird was tied with a golden cord to Baba Yaga’s crow, Vanka.
Ivan set off to find the firebird, riding on the wolf’s back. When they found the witch’s house, they saw that both Baba Yaga and the crow were fast asleep. Once again the wolf issued a warning to prince Ivan.
“Before you go a word of warning. The firebird will be fastened by a golden cord. Bring the firebird, but leave the cord.”
Of course Ivan forgot this warning, he went to get the firebird, he was about to leave with the firebird with the golden cord still tied to the firebird, when Vanka the crow wakes up and squawks and squawks. Baba Yaga also wakes up and now Ivan was captured.
The wolf heard all this and went and fetched princess Vasilisa. Vasilisa pretended to be a pedlar woman and tricked Baba Yaga in to letting her into the house. When Baba Yaga and the crow were once again asleep, Ivan, the firebird and princess Vasilisa ran away.
They all went back to Koschei’s castle. Ivan was then stuck. He had to choose between the firebird and the princess. He would not be allowed back in his father’s house if he didn’t bring back the bird, but how could he leave his beloved princess behind. Koschei (as he was truly evil) then tried to turn Ivan’s heart into wood. Vasilisa saw this and suddenly burst into tears.
“Stop ….. Stop that I tell you. Stop your crying,” shouted Koschei the Deathless.
In an instance, Vasilisa realised where he had hidden her heart …… in her tears. Koschei the Deathless died Vasilisa’s heart was no longer wooden. Ivan then told the firebird that he was free, but the firebird chose to come to the tsar’s castle with him.
When they arrived, Ivan’s horrible sister – princess Katooshka tried to prevent them showing the firebird to the tsar. She gave Ivan and Vasilisa two apples form the golden tree (She had poisoned them to try and catch the thief). Ivan and Vasilisa both died!
Now only the firebird, who had promised to return a favour to Ivan, knew a solution. She flew to the fountain of life and therefore could return and revive the children with the magic water.
The tsar now noticed that he had mistreated Ivan and that Katooshka should be punished forever. He banished her to lead a pedlar’s life. However, Ivan and Vasilisa also took pleasure in the thought of being free and jolly pedlars. Finally they all decided to become pedlars and lived happily ever after!
The Firebird Story - Shorter version
Once upon a time, in a country called Russia, a Tsar realised that one of his precious golden apples had been stolen. He told Prince Ivan and Princess Katooshka to find out who was stealing them and capture the thief. Princess Katooshka was horrible and lazy so she went to sleep. After a while a beautiful bird appeared. It was the firebird.
Prince Ivan ran to catch the firebird but only managed to get one of its feathers. Katooshka pretended that it was all Ivan’s fault that the robber had escaped. The Tsar told Ivan to go and get the Firebird, and that he should NOT return until he had it!
Ivan set off to find the Firebird. On his way he met a wolf, the wolf helped Ivan in many ways. He told Ivan that the Firebird was at the castle of Koschei the Deathless, who was an evil sorcerer. He also told Ivan that the beautiful Princess Vasilisa was also held captive there. She was very very pretty but no-one should ever look at her, because her heart was made of wood and she could never love anyone back.
Ivan and the wolf came to the castle of Koschei the deathless. Ivan went into the castle to find the Firebird, but what he found was Vasilisa. He looked at her and immediately fell madly in love with her. Suddenly Koschei the Deathless appeared. Koschei told Ivan that the terrible witch called Baba Yaga had the Firebird now. Koschei let Ivan go so that he could go and get the bird back for him.
So the wolf and Ivan set off for Baba Yaga’s house. The Firebird was tied to Baba Yaga’s crow, called Vanka. Baba Yaga was asleep. Ivan made too much noise when he tried to get the Firebird and Baba Yaga woke up. Ivan was captured also. The wolf ran back to the castle of Koschei the Deathless. Vasilisa agreed to go and help him. She tricked the terrible witch and they all escaped back to the castle of Koschei the Deathless.
Koschei was an evil man and he would not let Vasilisa go with the Firebird. Ivan had to choose between them. He could not go back to his father without the Firebird, but he was also so much in love with Vasilisa, that he could not leave her either! Koschei was so evil that he started to turn Ivan’s heart into wood. At this, Vasilisa started to cry even though her heart was made of wood. Suddenly Koschei died (The secret to turning her heart back was hidden in her tears!)
Prince Ivan and Vasilisa and the Firebird returned to the Tsar’s castle. Katooshka was so angry that she poisoned Ivan and Vasilisa. Luckily the Firebird knew where the Fountain of life was. He went to fetch some of its magic water and this water brought them both back to life. The Tsar realised that Katooshka was evil and he banished her to become a pedlar. He was so happy to have his son back. In the end they all realised that the life of a pedlar was quite good really so they all decided to become pedlars!
Comprehension questions - 1
First read the short version of the story of the Firebird. (There are many versions of this story, make sure it is the version that relates to the mac Christmas production!)
Then answer these comprehension questions. Try to answer the questions in sentences, with capital letters at the beginning and full stops at the end of them!
1. What was the name of Prince Ivan’s sister?
2. Who was stealing the golden apples?
3. What 4-legged animal appears in the story?
4. What was the name of the evil sorcerer? (Be careful to spell it correctly!)
5. What was Vasilisa’s heart made out of?
6. What was the name of the terrible witch?
7. What was the name of her crow?
8. How was Ivan captured by the terrible witch?
9. Where was the secret of turning back Vasilisa’s heart back to normal hidden?
10. What happened at the very end of the story?
Comprehension questions - 2
First read the story of the Firebird. (There are many versions of this story, make sure it is the version that relates to the mac Christmas production!)
Then answer these comprehension questions. It is always better to answer questions in FULL sentences, unless you are asked otherwise.
1. What was the nickname of the evil sorcerer?
2. What was the terrible witch in the story called?
3. Who had given a wolf’s tooth to Ivan (this is a very hard one)
4. What were the apples on the Tsar Saltan’s precious tree made out of?
5. When Ivan met the wolf in the woods, he was not scared of it. Why was this?
6. Write down 3 words that could describe Princess Vasilisa. (No need to answer this question in a sentence!)
7. What was Princess Vasilisa’s heart made out of?
8. Koschei the Deathless was the evil sorcerer. What was that name of the terrible witch in the story?
9. What was the name of this witch’s crow?
10. How was the Firebird held captive?
11. Why did Prince Ivan get captured by the terrible witch?
12. In less than 20 words, please describe Koschei the Deathless in the best way you can. Your answer MUST be in a sentence!
13. Where was the secret of Vasilisa’s wooden heart hidden?
14. What did Katooshka do when Ivan and Vasilisa returned to the castle?
15. Who saved Prince Ivan and Vasilisa from their death?
And how?
The next 2 questions are very difficult question as the answer is not in this version of the story!
Do your best to think of an answer
16. Why do you think Koschei the Deathless had this nickname?
17. How come he died?
The paragraphs below are not in the correct order, so the story doesn’t make sense.
Ø Read through these paragraphs.
Ø Cut the sections out carefully.
Ø Put them into the right order.
Ø You can then stick them into your exercise books or onto a piece of paper. (This is optional!)
Koschei was an evil man and he would not let Vasilisa go with the Firebird. Ivan had to choose between them. He could not go back to his father without the Firebird, but he was also so much in love with Vasilisa, that he could not leave her either! Koschei was so evil that he started to turn Ivan’s heart into wood. At this, Vasilisa started to cry even though her heart was made of wood. Suddenly Koschei died (The secret to turning her heart back was hidden in her tears!)
Ivan set off to find the Firebird. On his way he met a wolf, the wolf helped Ivan in many ways. He told Ivan that the Firebird was at the castle of Koschei the Deathless, who was an evil sorcerer. He also told Ivan that the beautiful Princess Vasilisa was also held captive there. She was very very pretty but no-one should ever look at her, because her heart was made of wood and she could never love anyone back.
Once upon a time, in a country called Russia, a Tsar realised that one of his precious golden apples had been stolen. He told Prince Ivan and Princess Katooshka to find out who was stealing them and capture the thief. Princess Katooshka was horrible and lazy so she went to sleep. After a while a beautiful bird appeared. It was the firebird.
Prince Ivan ran to catch the firebird but only managed to get one of its feathers. Katooshka pretended that it was all Ivan’s fault that the robber had escaped. The Tsar told Ivan to go and get the Firebird, and that he should NOT return until he had it!
So the wolf and Ivan set off for Baba Yaga’s house. The Firebird was tied to Baba Yaga’s crow, called Vanka. Baba Yaga was asleep. Ivan made too much noise when he tried to get the Firebird and Baba Yaga woke up. Ivan was captured also. The wolf ran back to the castle of Koschei the Deathless. Vasilisa agreed to go and help him. She tricked the terrible witch and they all escaped back to the castle of Koschei the Deathless.
Prince Ivan and Vasilisa and the Firebird returned to the Tsar’s castle. Katooshka was so angry that she poisoned Ivan and Vasilisa. Luckily the Firebird knew where the Fountain of life was. He went to fetch some of its magic water and this water brought them both back to life. The Tsar realised that Katooshka was evil and he banished her to become a pedlar. He was so happy to have his son back. In the end they all realised that the life of a pedlar was quite good really so they all decided to become pedlars!
Ivan and the wolf came to the castle of Koschei the deathless. Ivan went into the castle to find the Firebird, but what he found was Vasilisa. He looked at her and immediately fell madly in love with her. Suddenly Koschei the Deathless appeared. Koschei told Ivan that the terrible witch called Baba Yaga had the Firebird now. Koschei let Ivan go so that he could go and get the bird back for him.
Missing Words 1
Some words are missing out of this section of ‘The Firebird’ story. The missing words are at the bottom of the page, but they are muddled up! Be careful, you can only use each word once. (Sometimes more than one word can fit!)
Once upon a time, in a country called ………………….., a Tsar realised that one of his precious golden apples had been stolen. He told Prince …………….. and Princess Katooshka to find out who was stealing them and capture the thief. Princess Katooshka was …………………. and ………. so she went to sleep. After a while a beautiful bird appeared. It was the firebird.
Prince Ivan ran to ……………. the firebird but only managed to get one of its …………………... Katooshka pretended that it was all Ivan’s fault that the robber had escaped. The Tsar told Ivan to go and get the Firebird, and that he should NOT ……………….. until he had it!
Ivan set off to find the Firebird. On his way he met a ………….., the wolf helped Ivan in many ways. He told Ivan that the Firebird was at the castle of Koschei the ………………………, who was an evil ………………….. He also told Ivan that the beautiful Princess Vasilisa was also held captive there. She was very very …………. but no-one should ever look at her, because her heart was made of …………. and she could never ………….. anyone back.
Ivan and the wolf came to the castle of Koschei the deathless. Ivan went into the castle to find the …………………., but what he found was Vasilisa. He looked at her and immediately fell madly in love with her. Suddenly Koschei the Deathless appeared. Koschei told Ivan that the …………………… witch called Baba Yaga had the Firebird now. Koschei let Ivan go so that he could go and get the bird back for him.
Deathless wolf horrible Russia lazy
love feathers Ivan pretty terrible
return wood catch Firebird sorcerer
Missing Words 2
This is the second section of ‘The Firebird’ story. Just like for in the activity ‘Missing Words 1’ – fill in the missing words. But this time it is a bit harder, there are 5 words which don’t fit. BE CAREFUL!
So the wolf and Ivan set off for …………. Yaga’s house. The Firebird was tied to Baba Yaga’s crow, called …………... Baba Yaga was ……………. Ivan made too much noise when he tried to get the Firebird and Baba Yaga …………… up. Ivan was captured also. The wolf ran back to the castle of Koschei the Deathless. Vasilisa agreed to go and help him. She tricked the terrible witch and they all escaped back to the castle of …………………. the Deathless.
Koschei was an evil man and he would not let Vasilisa go with the Firebird. Ivan had to choose between them. He could not go back to his ……………… without the Firebird, but he was also so much in love with Vasilisa, that he could not leave her either! Koschei was so evil that he started to turn Ivan’s heart into ………….. At this, Vasilisa started to …………. even though her heart was made of wood. Suddenly Koschei died (The secret to turning her heart back was hidden in her …………….!)
Prince Ivan and Vasilisa and the Firebird returned to the Tsar’s castle. Katooshka was so angry that she poisoned Ivan and Vasilisa. Luckily the Firebird knew where the Fountain of ………….. was. He went to fetch some of its magic water and this water brought them both back to life. The Tsar realised that Katooshka was evil and he banished her to become a ……………... He was so happy to have his son back. In the end they all realised that the life of a pedlar was quite good really so they all decided to become pedlars!
laugh mother pedlar life woke
castle Baba Koschei asleep tears
wood Katooshka tired Vanka father
Missing Words 2
This is the second section of ‘The Firebird’ story. Just like for in the activity ‘Missing Words 1’ – fill in the missing words. But this time it is a bit harder, there are 5 words which don’t fit. BE CAREFUL!
So the wolf and Ivan set off for …………. Yaga’s house. The Firebird was tied to Baba Yaga’s crow, called …………... Baba Yaga was ……………. Ivan made too much noise when he tried to get the Firebird and Baba Yaga …………… up. Ivan was captured also. The wolf ran back to the castle of Koschei the Deathless. Vasilisa agreed to go and help him. She tricked the terrible witch and they all escaped back to the castle of …………………. the Deathless.
Koschei was an evil man and he would not let Vasilisa go with the Firebird. Ivan had to choose between them. He could not go back to his ……………… without the Firebird, but he was also so much in love with Vasilisa, that he could not leave her either! Koschei was so evil that he started to turn Ivan’s heart into ………….. At this, Vasilisa started to …………. even though her heart was made of wood. Suddenly Koschei died (The secret to turning her heart back was hidden in her …………….!)
Prince Ivan and Vasilisa and the Firebird returned to the Tsar’s castle. Katooshka was so angry that she poisoned Ivan and Vasilisa. Luckily the Firebird knew where the Fountain of ………….. was. He went to fetch some of its magic water and this water brought them both back to life. The Tsar realised that Katooshka was evil and he banished her to become a ……………... He was so happy to have his son back. In the end they all realised that the life of a pedlar was quite good really so they all decided to become pedlars!
laugh mother pedlar life woke
castle Baba Koschei asleep tears
Vasilisa La Hermosa. Cuento de hadas ruso. Voz: Diego Ruggeri, el Juglar